
Here you can find a list of the services I offer. This is just a taste of the packages so if you need a deeper explanation or require something specific do not hesitate to contact me.
You can do it by writing to this email or by compiling the contact form here .


Data Cleaning and Data Processing are the most important and time-consuming steps in data analysis because (in most models) the quality of the output is determined by the quality of the input.
I can provide a Python code reproducible and repeatable that cleans and process your dataset(s).
I can handle missing values and outliers based on the topic and your needs.
I can apply feature engineering techniques to transform, combine or extract the best from the dataset’s attributes.
I can also apply dimensionality reduction or data integration if the dataset is respectively too large or poor of columns.


Extracting information from data is the essence of Data Analysis. Information is guiding business nowadays and being able to extract it from data could be straightforward.
I can apply statistical techniques to describe a phenomenon via both graphical representations and indices.
I can also gather additional data to integrate into the source so as to achieve a better comprehension of a topic.
I can provide the output as a dashboard or a report which explicates the cardinal points of the analysis.


Websites are a great source of data since they bring information of any type. Some of them provide API keys to access their data others don’t.
I can extract data and information from websites based on your needs and provide them in the required form such as Word, PDF, or Excel document.
I can also stream data from social media such as Twitter.


A picture is worth a thousand words. A study demonstrates that visuals are processed 60000 times faster than text. So, visual representation is the best way to communicate efficiently and effectively.
I can create data representations of every nature: scatterplots, bar plots, line plots…
I can concatenate them based on your necessities. I can also build dashboards able to clearly describe a specific phenomenon.
You can check the portfolio section where I have uploaded a dashboard and some visualizations.


This section is linked with the Data Mining one since modeling could be applied to describe behavior. It could also be used in the prediction phase. Knowing the future value of a phenomenon or being able to classify an image into a category could be useful in various fields.
I can apply statistical and machine learning techniques to different kinds of data: numerical, textual, images, audio…
I can also develop advanced models such as neural networks to provide more accurate results.
Feature extraction, Transfer Learning, High Dimensional Data techniques are additional methods that I could apply if needed.


Companies produce thousands of documents of any type every year. Some of them are based on a template and require to be filled out.
I can write Python code able to automatize the generation of Word, Pdf, and Excel documents based on your purposes.
Starting from a template I can create an application that takes some input variables and modify the template in the necessary spots. In addition, I can also create documents from scratch.
Finally, I can generate Excel sheets populated with data from another source and automatize this process.